About Us

2023-2024 Executive Members

Please ensure you are emailing from a personal email account and not the one provided by District. For the quickest response please include your POSITION, SITE, and any details you feel are relevant.

President –  Carey Schafer  1851president@gmail.com

Vice President – Elva Morrison 1851vpcss@gmail.com

Secretary Treasurer  (sunshine) –   Sasha Gerasymov 1851treasurer@gmail.com

Chief Shop Steward – Rick Nash  1851chiefshopsteward@gmail.com

Recording Secretary –  Emma Mayo  1851recordingsecretary@gmail.com

Maintenance Shop Steward   Jody Davids 1851shopsteward@gmail.com

Custodial Shop Steward   Jody Adams 1851custodialshopsteward@gmail.com

Maintenance Unit Chair –  Nitin Mathew 1851unitchairmaintenance@gmail.com

Custodial Unit Chair –  Sharon Bunt 1851unitchaircustodial@gmail.com

Sergeant of Arms – Maninder Dhaliwal